Your websites needs updating on a regular basis, however you don’t have sufficient amount of time to perform the task. Because you are a busy individual, we understand this, so we’ve made this guideline for you to gain knowledge of our website maintenance services.

We can manage one-time projects as well as long-term support – meaning we can work for you as long as you want. If you have long-term goals and needs, we can furnish you with competitive rates on monthly maintenance and prepaid packages.

Feel free to contact us for more details.

Your websites needs updating on a regular basis, however you don’t have sufficient amount of time to perform the task. Because you are a busy individual, we understand this, so we’ve made this guideline for you to gain knowledge of our website maintenance services.

We can manage one-time projects as well as long-term support – meaning we can work for you as long as you want. If you have long-term goals and needs, we can furnish you with competitive rates on monthly maintenance and prepaid packages.

Feel free to contact us for more details.

Your websites needs updating on a regular basis, however you don’t have sufficient amount of time to perform the task. Because you are a busy individual, we understand this, so we’ve made this guideline for you to gain knowledge of our website maintenance services.

We can manage one-time projects as well as long-term support – meaning we can work for you as long as you want. If you have long-term goals and needs, we can furnish you with competitive rates on monthly maintenance and prepaid packages.

Feel free to contact us for more details.


  • Updates to articles, announcements, etc.
  • Add or remove pages
  • Image addition and changes
  • Email list and newsletter maintenance
  • Shopping cart product updates
  • Replace images: graphics and or pictures
  • Website content modifications
  • PDF creation and uploading
  • Protection from any security loopholes through routine

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